The Group maintain the objective of a ratio net debt to Telecom EBITDAaL around 2x in the medium term in order to preserve Orange's financial strength and investment capacity.
Orange's debt ratings
Indicator | Standard & Poor's | Moody's | Fitch Ratings |
Long-term period debt | BBB+ | Baa1 | BBB+ |
Outlook | Stable | Positive | Stable |
Short-term period debt | A2 | P2 | F2 |
Green, Social, Sustainability Bonds
Information regarding Orange’s green, social and sustainability financings (Frameworks, Second Party Opinion, reportings) is available in the Investors’ Library”.
EMTN programme
On 8 June 2023, Orange renewed its €40 billion Euro Medium Term Note programme.
The Programme’s Base Prospectus and all related documentation are available in the Investors' Library.
Orange’s debt securities bought back
More information regarding Orange’s debt securities bought back during each half is available in our Investors' Library.
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