More than 80% of our Group’s carbon impact comes from scope 3 emissions, or indirect emissions generated upstream when we purchase equipment or services from our suppliers and subcontractors. It also covers our indirect emissions generated downstream when our customers use the products they buy or rent from us. “Partners to net zero carbon” is a new supplier initiative that strengthens our commitment to achieving net zero carbon. Here’s more.
"Partners to net zero carbon": supplier decarbonization initiative
Reducing our carbon footprint is central to our environmental commitment. To reduce our indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3) more quickly, we’re encouraging suppliers to ensure their products and services align with our low-carbon approach.
The program will also improve how we monitor scope 3 emissions and track the carbon impact of each item of equipment and supplier.
It’s all part of how we’re transforming our entire ecosystem and supply chain to radically reduce our scope 3 emissions
We’re redefining our relationship with suppliers to work on our joint decarbonization as partners. We depend on each other to achieve our goal as we’re all part of the same value chain when it comes to environmental protection, as individuals, organizations institutions, companies, and consumers. The "Partners to net zero carbon" program is built on collective development and mutual dependence.
How can we commit our suppliers to reducing their carbon footprint in a sustainable way?
Which suppliers are involved? The initiative applies to all of suppliers because our approach can be adapted to each of them.
We offer a range of support, from raising awareness to sharing our methodology or progress plan and defining new specifications within our contracts.
We collaborate with multiple partners and several initiatives are already underway, in particular for network equipment and services: the Green ITN scope 3 component and Oscar program.
To support very small and small businesses, we’ve also partnered with Bpifrance to audit their greenhouse gases and help reduce their carbon footprint in a sustainable way (Diag Décarbon'Action scheme).
Achieving mutual best practices
“Partners to net zero carbon” will enable us to unify and coordinate all initiatives relating to carbon reduction among suppliers. The program will also help to expand and amplify the actions already underway and help us strengthen the ways in which we’re reducing our suppliers’ emissions across our global footprint and business activities. Bringing together purchasing advisors, buyers, and suppliers is fundamental to achieving our scope 3 objectives."Partners to net zero carbon" relies on a multidisciplinary and multi-business project team within Orange. The program brings together our procurement teams and suppliers around a common goal. Bringing people together is a key success factor as we can only meet our scope 3 challenge if we work together.