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Published on 02 February 2021, updated on 22 October 2024

Ultra-fast and reliable: how 5G opens new possibilities

We’re continuing to invest in high-performance and scalable technologies to ensure the best possible network quality. Our ongoing 5G roll-out ensures customers benefit from a smoother connectivity experience thanks to higher speeds and extra capacity. This means they can exchange large amounts of data and adopt ever-increasing digital uses. 5G also helps businesses become more competitive and productive and offers new possibilities in key areas such as health, industry, smart cities and transport, education, and entertainment.


Evolving technology to support new services


5G is available in Africa in 3 countries: Botswana, Jordan and Senegal, and 7 European countries: Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.


It complements pre-existing networks and in more densely populated regions it can take over from our existing 4G networks to enable optimal connectivity.
We’re deploying 5G on a gradual basis, starting where it is most useful and necessary, as an add-on to 4G capacity where it is most in demand.

As of December 2023, 3,303  French municipalities have 5G coverage, which accounts for around 65% of the French population.

New frequency bands have been allocated for 5G, and this additional resource results in increased speed and capacity. Our customers are already benefiting. Depending on the frequencies available in each country and performance of online services, they can, for example, download their favorite playlists and TV series more quickly on their mobile, follow an online training course, share their connection with friends, or access in-stadium services from their seat such as parking, concierge or ordering a drink at the bar.
5G’s increased speeds and reduced latency will also enable businesses to increase productivity.

The groundbreaking standalone infrastructure design (5G SA) means the core network can operate without 4G and be “sliced” according to the different quality and security levels to suit each user’s requirement in a much more precise and personalized way.

These 5G SA solutions will be deployed in Orange’s European countries from 2023, supporting the development of new consumer services. Orange Business Services is already working with our enterprise customers on developing new services on their private networks.

For our personal and business customers alike, the best is yet to come!



A technology that promises to be more eco-friendly


Each generation of mobile network becomes more energy efficient. The 5G network has been designed to be greener from the start. Smart antennas can be activated on demand, making 5G more efficient than 4G.

These antennas only transmit the signal to the mobile device needing it, whereas 4G antennas scatter the signal across a wide area regardless of the need.

What’s more, 5G antennas consume half as much energy as 4G per GB transported. By 2025, 5G will be up to 10 times more efficient than 4G was in 2019 per GB transported.
Digital technologies such as 5G will help companies in manufacturing and tertiary sectors to achieve their decarbonization targets by reducing their energy use. For example, 5G enhances remote collaboration tools, thereby reducing business travel. It enables connected sensors to be installed throughout buildings to reduce energy consumption. It also connects smart traffic control systems in smart cities to regulate and control emissions and pollution.

We’re equally aware we have a role to play when it comes to helping our customers to use less energy. Uses are increasing exponentially, so it’s important that we raise awareness about using technology more responsibly.


A useful network for businesses, professionals, and individuals


Improving industry

Thanks to 5G, manufacturers can save time and run more efficient production facilities. Ongoing network deployment will enable a transition to Industry 4.0 to support manufacturing, customer relations, logistics, and more.
On-site technicians are now able to share high-definition video with remote experts using augmented reality to ask their advice and better handle a sensitive maintenance operation.

A Digital Twin platform is another way to optimize production and improve performance by using a digital graphic representation which can combine manufacturing operations and their sequencing, spare parts, and location into one scenario.

When combined with the Cloud or Edge computing, 5G also helps companies to make the most of their data. Instant data exchange enables real-time monitoring of factory sites or remote machine control, while connected sensors improve resource management and incident response times.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning enable predictive maintenance of equipment at manufacturing sites too.


Orange works with leading partners to develop innovative 5G applications.
In collaboration with Ericsson and ArcelorMittal France, for example, Orange has launched the largest industrial 5G network in Europe called
5G Steel. This supports a range of tests requiring high mobile speeds, such as driverless cars or remote maintenance using data from mobile devices in the field.


Improving healthcare

5G also promotes the development of telemedicine and teleconsultation.
For example, emergency medical teams can send high-definition images and videos from the scene of an accident in real time to deliver immediate patient care before arriving at the hospital.
Within an operating theater, 5G can support procedures through synchronized image data without needing any cabling.
A specialist can watch the procedure remotely and advise the surgical team on the ground as and when needed.

A test conducted at the Rennes University Hospital equipped an operating theatre with 5G to simulate a cardiovascular procedure, with the cardiologist receiving real-time advice from a colleague in Athens.
5G will also play a key role in how medical data will be used by healthcare professionals or connected equipment in the future, to enable better patient monitoring and the transition to more predictive medicine.

Bioserenity, a leading provider of remote diagnostic solutions, is using our Orange 5G Lab to test a new ESG solution equipped with 5G-connected neurological sensors to record and transmit real-time patient data.


Improving cities

5G facilitates the advent of smart and resilient urban planning to enhance life for citizens.
Urban networks and “smart city” buildings, equipped with connected sensors, will transmit data at higher speeds to better detect water and gas leaks, monitor air quality, send pollen or pollution alerts, manage waste and more.

Analyzing this data enables authorities to improve urban transport while limiting energy consumption. Mobile networks also support critical communications such as real-time video sharing during safety and security operations.


Improving transport

5G transport

In the transport sector, 5G allows the massive and real-time collection and processing of data coming from vehicles and road infrastructure.
Connected vehicle tests are being carried out to help them communicate with each other and other connected objects, whether smartphones or traffic lights. Sharing the latest information and alerts (traffic status, accidents, vehicle breakdowns, etc.) will help make the road safer while optimizing end-to-end travel to promote shared and sustainable mobility.

Orange is working with the European research project 5GCroCo and partners to carry out trials at national borders to provide cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) services from one country to another.



Improving education

5G is also enhancing e-learning by enriching traditional education and training solutions while facilitating mobile learning.
The use of virtual reality and augmented reality within university and business campuses makes it possible to offer learners more immersive and interactive content and teach complex professional skills in complete safety.

Kalyzée, a specialist in live streaming and nomad video solutions, uses 5G to enrich its mobile video studio offer with educational content and remote training.



Improving events and entertainment

Entertainment providers are using 5G to push the boundaries of live events and improve the audience experience.

The low latency and the absence of cabling associated with the fixed network allows the event to be filmed from multiple angles, immersive content to be broadcast, and real-time statistical data to be collected.

In the gaming sector, the possibilities offered by augmented reality and virtual reality enrich multi-player games, by enabling interactions between the real world and the mobile gaming world.

5G applications at the 2021 Tour de France, Orange Vélodrome in Marseille, Roland-Garros, and soon at the 2024 Paris Olympics have already offered a glimpse of a hyperconnected sporting experience.




How Orange 5G Labs brings future uses to life

Our Orange 5G Labs, available across Europe, help companies of all sizes and in all sectors as well as start-ups and local authorities to evolve their existing solutions and develop innovative new services using our 5G network.



Addressing the issues

Like all technological progress, 5G raises its share of questions and concerns. As a trusted operator, we strive to shed light on the legitimate questions that everyone asks about new technologies.


Do we really need 5G?


5G complements and modernizes existing 4G and fiber networks. The introduction of high-speed networks helps to reduce the digital divide and ensure service continuity.

Does it impact our health?


Is it secure?


Faced with increasing cyber-risks, telecom operators are subject to confidentiality laws and regulations including General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).