Y'Africa Season 2 in Ivory Coast

Our audiovisual TV show «Y'Africa» promotes African culture in all its forms. Ivory Coast showcases its artists.





Katcha Coulibaly aka C'Katcha, born in 1998, is a unique poet and slamer. He is a comedian, film actor, lyricist, screenwriter, director, and member of the School of Poets of Ivory Coast, and cultivates many talents with unassuming ease. With his natural charisma, endearing personality, and flawless diction, he plays with words and their meaning and embodies the new generation of African slam.



Bamouin Sinzé

Bamouin Sinzé is a young painter who works with a unique technique. Under his upside-down canvas hanging from the studio ceiling, most often at night, with a candle in his hand, he draws lines, circles, and curves in the air, like invisible writing. The soot of the smoke transcribes his gestures on the canvas in gray, vaporous, fragile marks where the outlines of evanescent, ghostly characters can be detected. This movement allows him to bring his figures to life and shape the shadows.

Bamouin Sinzé



Sanga Ouattara

Sanga Ouattara

Sanga Ouattara, born in 1987, has been dancing since he was little. He has since become one of Ivory Coast’s most promising contemporary dance hopefuls. However, his path has been a challenging one. Born into an underprivileged family, living on the street, he finally chose the path of dance in 2010. He trained with internationally renowned choreographers before co-founding the Yé Fihoma company, where he is associate choreographer and dancer. Driven by unwavering passion, he has numerous ongoing projects, both locally and abroad.