Published on 23 September 2021

Olga, Head of International Operations at Orange Moldova: “As pioneers, we have the opportunity to shape our future”

Olga is Head of International Operations at Orange Moldova, where she runs Orange Systems. She tells us more about her work leading our IT Factory and nearshoring center in Moldova, and the reasons why she chose Orange.


Discover the portrait of Olga


Olga Surugiu


Olga, can you give us an overview of your job?

I run Orange Systems, which is Orange Moldova’s IT center, made up of a wonderful team of 400 specialists who work for customers all over the world, both internal and external to the Group. Most of my time is spent interacting with people and problem solving. We also have the possibility of creating, innovating, and launching new business projects. It’s the part of my job I love.

Why did you join Orange? And what do you like most about your job?

In 2005, I was a young graduate having just finished my Master’s in sustainable development in Lille, France. At the time, I was impressed by Orange as a brand. The TV ads were amazing and very inspiring. Passionate about technology and innovation, I wanted to see how an international group operated internally. After almost six years in Romania, I moved back to Moldova, where I was born. Heading up Orange Systems gives me the chance to create simple and reliable digital products, for everyone, in an inclusive way. This has a real impact on the public.


How is your work appealing in the way it contributes to a more egalitarian digital world?

My work is meaningful over the long term. IT has the power to provide sustainable solutions for a better future. This is one of my main motivations. What’s more, I firmly believe in helping to develop talent. Orange has taught me a lot and in return I teach others. It’s a positive chain reaction. I’m a Tech Woman ambassador for Orange, but that’s not all. In my country, one of my responsibilities is to help women to pursue careers in our sector. I believe in keeping an open mind: a parachute only works when it is open. Also in my everyday work, I cherish collective intelligence and encourage everyone to express themselves.


How do your actions contribute to Orange’s commitments for a more caring, greener and more connected society?

I love to feel the pulse of the new technology industry. We’re lucky we get involved in new trends early on. As a pioneer, we have the opportunity to shape our future. Most human activities will soon be related in one way or another to IT. It’s therefore our responsibility to facilitate this digital transition, in an inclusive manner. Working at Orange allows me to actively support the development of our communities and the green revolution.


You work in a male environment, how is your teamwork with your male colleagues?

As a woman, I never felt people were looking down on me in any way. Coming from a personal and family background where women are very present, I have a lot of female role models around me. For me, it is natural and important to show that IT is not always a man's world. At Orange, we are fortunate to benefit from a very inspiring community for women, and we have women in top leadership positions. I am proud of our inclusive culture which encourages diversity at all levels.


What are your main challenges in managing Orange Systems in Moldova?

We work in a constantly evolving environment, where we must continue to provide ever more complete and innovative solutions to our customers. But I don't see this ongoing challenge as a problem. For me, it's more of an opportunity to do our job to the best of our ability: we work in a dynamic sector, so we don’t have time to reach perfection.