Published on 30 November 2021

Disability: let’s tour our actions around the world

Each entity within the Orange Group does what it can to ensure digital technology lives up to its full potential to benefit as many people as possible, particularly people with disabilities and their caregivers. Numerous initiatives are ongoing in our 26 operating countries and 220 countries where we support businesses through Orange Business Services. Here is an anthology of past, current, and future flagship actions that contribute to disability inclusion in the workplace and society, an overview of our adapted products and services, and more about how we’re focusing on raising awareness for all.

How diversity benefits our collective 

Discover some of our initiatives that illustrate our commitments

Raising awareness among as many people as possible

drapeau france

France (Orange Business): we invited employees to take part in a team challenge and quiz around a pedestrian GPS mobile app to identify private and public spaces that may or may not be accessible to people with disabilities.

drapeau Madagascar

Madagascar: we are supporting and funding a program dedicated to autism with the aim of introducing actions that raise awareness of autism and improve care and social integration for those concerned.
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Drapeau Moldavie

Moldova: we have produced a video that promotes employees with disabilities to raise awareness of disability in the workplace.
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Developing adapted products and services

drapeau Botswana

Botswana: we're going to provide training in mobile Internet and its accessibility features, to enable disabled people to carry out everyday activities.
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drapeau Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: we use information and communication technologies to make it easier for blind and partially-sighted people to navigate and work on the Internet, without having to use Braille.
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drapeau Jordanie

Jordan: we'll be working with start-up WeWalk, which has developed a connected walking stick and mobile application for blind and partially-sighted people to improve their mobility in public spaces.
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drapeau Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone: we're going to provide training in mobile Internet and its accessibility features, to enable disabled people to carry out everyday activities.
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drapeau Tunisie

Tunisia: we worked on the translation of the Tsara application, an educational game designed to help relatives of people with autism to understand them better, into French, English and Arabic.
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Including people with disabilities into the workplace

drapeau Belgique

Belgium: we have renewed our partnership of more than 20 years with equal employment company ENTRA. Its mission is to offer stable, useful and paid jobs to people with disabilities.
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drapeau Egypte

Egypt: we sponsored a day of sports activities and teambuilding to raise funds and awareness of disability and support para athletes in the lead up to the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.
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drapeau france

France: we have signed a new three-year agreement (2021-2023) to strengthen our commitment to recruiting, onboarding, and retaining people with disabilities.
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drapeau Luxembourg

Luxembourg: we have renewed our long-standing partnership with the employment agency to improve how we hire people with disabilities.
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drapeau Pologne

Poland: we have developed an internal program for employees with disabilities to improve their access to medical and financial assistance, personalized workspaces according to their specific needs, as well as career coaching.
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drapeau Slovaquie

Slovakia: we have forged partnerships with NGOs specializing in the recruitment of people with disabilities.

Including people with disabilities into wider society

drapeau Argentine

Argentina (Orange Business): we collected 45kg of food for the NGO “Casa Chicos Ceferino”, which takes care of children and teenagers with disabilities and educates the public about disability.
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drapeau Brésil

Brazil (Orange Business): we will be hosting a webinar dedicated to autism as part of the International Day of People with Disabilities.
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drapeau Cameroun

Cameroon: through the Orange Foundation, we’re providing educational support to children and teenagers with autism to help their academic and societal integration.
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drapeau Côte d'Ivoire

Ivory Coast: we’re supporting public authorities in establishing a disability inclusion charter to improve social integration and promote independent living.
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drapeau Espagne

Spain: we have set up an internal program to support caregivers and a range of para sporting activities for employees with disabilities.

drapeau Guinée Conakry

Guinea Conakry: the Orange Foundation and TIerno et MAriam International Foundation (FITIMA) has signed an agreement to increase the means and resources to provide improved medical and socio-educational care for children living with disabilities. 
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drapeau Libéria

Liberia: we’re putting in place an ambassador scheme to promote accessible products and services and develop more disability-friendly communication. 
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drapeau mali

Mali: we have made several donations and investments, via the Orange Foundation, to support vulnerable communities during this challenging socio-economic health context.
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drapeau Maroc

Morocco: we contributed to the launch of the first university degree specializing in autism. This certification is intended for professionals who intend to provide educational and therapeutic support for people with autism.
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drapeau Roumanie

Romania: we supported an educational games program run by an NGO, with the aim of improving counselling, therapy and cognitive development for children with disabilities.
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drapeau Sénégal

Senegal: we have created an online sales platform to promote and help entrepreneurs and artisans with disabilities to become financially independent. 
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