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Orange shareholding
Information and Shareholder relations
Shareholders’ Meetings
Your contacts
By phone
0 800 05 10 10
(freephone in France) from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday (CET).
By e-mail
By post
at the following address :
Orange - Service Relations Actionnaires
BP 10 10 75721
Paris Cedex 15 France
Orange shareholding
Being an Orange shareholder means getting involved in the life of our company, contributing to our major strategic decisions and supporting our development.
Being an Orange shareholder means being a stakeholder in our purpose, which guides our decisions in terms of our social contribution and environmental protection: "As a trusted partner, Orange gives everyone the keys to a responsible digital world."
This means helping us:
- Ensure that, in all our fields of activity, digital technology is designed, made available and used in a responsible and sustainable way;
- Strengthen the freedom and security of digital tools and services used by individuals and businesses;
- Deploy innovative technologies and services everywhere and for everyone, thanks to our Group’s committed and expert teams.
Finally, being an Orange shareholder means making an investment into our future profitability and benefiting from two fundamental rights: the right to vote at our annual Shareholders’ Meeting and the right to receive a dividend that corresponds to profits distributed by the company.
As an Orange shareholder, there are three different ways to hold your shares.
- Bearer shares
Shares are kept in an ordinary securities account or a Shareholders’ Savings Account opened with your chosen financial intermediary. Find out how to take part in the Shareholders’ Meeting.
- Administered registered shares
Your Orange shares held via your financial intermediary may be managed as administered registered shares. In this case, your securities are managed with our mandated bank Uptevia and your point of contact remains your financial intermediary. Being an administered registered shareholder enables us to identify you and automatically send you invitations to our Orange Annual Shareholders’ Meetings. Holding and transaction fees are to be agreed with your financial intermediary.
- Direct registered shares
Direct registered shares are held on your behalf by a financial institution chosen by Orange, in this case Uptevia, which directly manages the shares.
By choosing direct registered shares, you can benefit from several advantages:
- a personalized service: for viewing and managing your direct registered share online account, updating your personal data, and placing and tracking your trading orders online with preferential transaction fees
- a closer relationship with the company: you will systematically receive information from the Group, and personal notice to the Shareholders’ Meetings (by post or by e-invitation if you have chosen this option)
- no holding fees: as long as you keep your direct registered shares
- a dedicated helpline: available to you from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm (CET) by calling 0 800 05 10 10 from abroad
If you are an Orange shareholder with, for instance, bearer shares, you can contact your financial intermediary and request for the conversion of you shares into direct registered shares (only for France) by filling a dedicated share conversion form.
Then all you need to do is get your financial intermediary to forward the form to Uptevia.
To open a direct registered share account, please contact the Orange Shareholder Relations team by calling 0 800 05 10 10 from abroad, Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm (CET).
The Orange share is part of the below major indexes:
- CAC 40
- SBF 120
- CAC All-Tradable
- Stoxx Telecom
See the latest Orange share price
Orange shares are mainly listed on Euronext Paris.
See the latest Orange share price
The Orange Shareholder Relations Service is exclusively reserved for information concerning the Orange Group and holding Orange shares.
You can contact us:
- by phone:
0 800 05 10 10 (freephone in France) from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday (CET)
- by e-mail:
- by writing to:
Orange - Service Relations Actionnaires
111 Quai du Président Roosevelt
CS 70222
92449 Issy Les Moulineaux Cedex
Information and Shareholder relations
If you’d like to know more about the Group and its business activities, take a look at the following areas of our website:
The purpose of this club is to communicate how the Group is performing and creating value across all its businesses and geographies. We’re committed to keeping you well informed about your investment choices within the Group. The Orange Retail Investor Club also allows us to build a closer relationship with our individual investors by offering after-hours meetings, invitations to cultural and sporting events (Roland Garros, Tour de France, etc.) and visits to our sites to find out more about our business. If you hold one (1) Orange share or more, you are an automatic and full member of the Orange Retail Investor Club. As this is an exclusively online club, please provide an email address to stay up to date with our latest club news:
To make sure that you are correctly registered with the club, you can contact the toll-free number:
You can change your personal information at any time by contacting the Orange Shareholder Relations department.
This service is exclusively reserved for requests for information concerning the Orange Group and its shareholders.
- by telephone, Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 6 pm on 0 800 05 10 10 (Free service and free call from within France).
- by e-mail to the following address:
- by post to the following address:
• Orange - Shareholder Relations Department
• 111, Quai du President-Roosevelt
• 92449 Issy Les Moulineaux Cedex
• France
It's important to keep your details updated to continue to receive information from the Group and join our Club events.
The individual shareholders’ committee is composed of 12 members. It consults on best practice in shareholders’ communication. Members gather two to four times a year and meet with a member of the Orange Executive Committee to discuss important strategic subjects concerning the company.
If you’d like to become a member, you can apply by downloading the questionnaire available on the French Committee information page.
Once completed, please return the questionnaire to us at:
Orange - Service Relations Actionnaires
Candidature Comité Consultatif des Actionnaires
111 Quai du Président Roosevelt
CS 70222
92449 Issy Les Moulineaux Cedex
You can also attach it to an email addressed to: (please write "Candidature Comité Consultatif des Actionnaires d’Orange" in the subject line).
Shareholders’ Meetings
It is a privileged appointment where shareholders are able to meet our Executive Directors and vote on the resolutions that are submitted to them. Three kinds of Shareholders’ Meeting exist:
- Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting: this is held once a year, in the six months following the financial year closing. It allows the shareholders to approve the accounts of the past year, and, if any, the amount of the dividend proposed by the Board of directors. The Shareholders can also vote on the appointment of new administrators and on the current events of the Group.
- Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting: this is held when necessary, to deal with decisions such as changes to the company’s bylaws or capital.
- Combined Shareholders’ Meeting: this is held when both legal types of Meetings (ordinary and extraordinary) are held at the same moment.
The company is legally required to inform shareholders of the date of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at least 35 days before it takes place, by publishing advance notification in the French official bulletin of legal notices, the Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires (BALO).
This notice shall include the resolutions which will be put to a shareholder vote and information on how to take part in the Meeting.
A notice which sets out the agenda is sent to registered shareholders at least 15 days before the date of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, and is published at the same time in the BALO and in a French national newspaper.
Shareholders can also obtain documentation relating to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on request to the company, or by visiting the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting page or the Orange website.
All shareholders, regardless of the number of shares they hold, have the right to participate in the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.
The Orange 2024 Shareholders’ Meeting will be held online and on site, with shareholders if they would like to attend, at salle Pleyel, 252 Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, 75008 Paris, on 22 May 2024 at 3:00 pm.
This meeting will also be broadcast live via the Orange website.
To attend the Orange Shareholders’ Meeting in person, the shareholder must request an admission card:
- By logging into their securities account to request an admission card online (bearer and registered shareholders)
- Or by returning to Uptevia the admission card request form received by post if they are a registered shareholder and have not subscribed to the e-notice service
All shareholders who hold at least one Orange share no later than 2 trading days of stock exchange prior to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting are entitled to vote. By voting, you are contributing to the important decisions of the Group.
Three types of vote are possible:
- In person on the day of the Shareholders’ Meeting if you are attending with an admission card
- Online
Orange offers a secure e-voting platform, VOTACCESS, which can be reached from your online account from Wednesday 27 April 2022 up until the day before the Shareholders’ Meeting at 3:00 pm (CET).
Find out more about e-voting
- By post
Shareholders can also return their ballot paper to Uptevia, Orange’s central clearing bank, once they have:
- voted on the resolutions
- granted powers to the Chairman
- granted proxy to another person
For registered shares: all you need to do is return your personalized ballot paper to Uptevia in the envelope provided with the meeting invitation.
For bearer shares: you can request your ballot paper from your financial intermediary and return it to them once completed. Your financial intermediary is responsible for sending this ballot paper to BNP Paribas Securities Services enclosing a certificate of participation.
Shareholders must return their ballot no later than the day before the Meeting at 3:00 pm (working day) with the certificate of participation.
Find out more about the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.
For each resolution a vote "for", "against" or "abstain" can be cast, or no vote.
From 2020 "abstention" votes are no longer counted as "against" votes and are excluded from the calculation of the voting result. From now on, only the votes "for" and the votes "against" are taken into account.
A resolution within the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting is approved as soon as it wins more than half of "for" votes.
A resolution within the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting is approved as soon as it wins more than two thirds of "for" votes.
Written questions
Shareholders can send their written questions no later than two working days before the Shareholders’ Meeting. The certificate of participation (provided by the financial intermediary) must be attached to the letter or email for holders of bearer shares.
You have two possibilities when sending your questions:
- by e-mail:
- by registered letter with recorded delivery:
A l'attention du Président du Conseil d'administration.
Questions écrites Assemblée générale
111 Quai du Président Roosevelt
CS 70222
92449 Issy Les Moulineaux Cedex
The answers to all written questions will be published on the Orange website, as soon as possible at the end of the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting, and no later than five days after the end of the meeting.
Verbal questions
As part of our ongoing shareholder dialogue, shareholders present in the room will be able to ask their questions during the Q&A session. A system will also be put in place to allow our remote shareholders to ask their questions before and during the General Meeting.
By phone: 0800 05 10 10
By e-mail: