“It’s complicated… and I feel helpless.”
You answered mostly "squares" at the test : "Which type of connected parent are you?"
Do you try to do your best but don’t know how to stand up to “just 5 more minutes” or “let me just finish this game” or “I’m getting good grades so can I…?”
You’re not alone, finding the right balance is not easy.
Maybe you’ve already tried to set some ground rules, but your kids are not respecting them. If you’re not happy with their behaviour, then why not talk to other parents in the same situation.
Orange offers a dedicated online forum in France as well as parent support groups and workshops in Orange shops across Europe (France, Spain, Poland, Romania and Slovakia), where you can pick up some handy tips and advice.
Here are three such tips to start you off:
- Help empower your kids. Why not set up a usage contract with them when it comes to screen time, content, friends and contacts? It’s a good way to help them become more independent and responsible.
- Learn how to use the tools your kids have already adopted so you can talk to them and share in their experiences?
- Look at your own screen use to make sure you’re setting the best possible example.
- Protect younger members of the family by setting up parental controls such as Kids Ready in Spain or Safe Starter For Your Kid in Poland.
Bonus tip: downloading parental control tools can help you reduce any excessive or inappropriate screen use.
Answer to question 2 : 36% of 7-12 year olds have their own tablet (figures taken from the 2017 IPSOS ‘Junior Connect' survey)