Join us for a range of special conferences and events


Here are details of our upcoming events, presentations and conferences. We meet several times a year to discuss the latest digital issues, the future of the mobile industry, new technologies, start-ups, CSR and more … Check out our financial calendar for our latest financial results and highlights too.



November 2024

From 23 November to 24 November 2024

Cité de la Réussite : "Trust"



Human intelligence, artificial intelligence: how can we overcome mistrust and build an alliance for the common good?

23 November, from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Speakers: Joëlle Barral, Paolo Benanti, Sylvain Duranton, Christel Heydemann


Bullying, cyberbullying: what framework should be implemented to protect the most vulnerable ?

23 November, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Speakers: Caroline Guillamin, Lou Henguelle

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From 19 November to 21 November 2024

Salon des maires et des collectivités "The collective construction exhibition"

Salon des maires: "Accelération"

A place for collective construction, where mayors, their teams, players from the public and private sectors and associations work together on a daily basis to meet the urgent challenges facing local authorities.

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From 15 November to 15 November 2024

Artificial Intelligence Marseille

Living and working with AI, today and tomorrow

Speaker: Jérôme Berger, Head of Group Strategy and Venture Capital

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From 05 November to 05 November 2024

"C'est qui la boss ?" Festival

Women in tech

Speakers: Aliette Mousnier Lompré, Barbara Belvisi (Founder & CEO Insterstellar Lab de 10h10 à 10h55

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October 2024

From 28 October to 28 October 2024

Marketing Day

Speaker: Jean-Marie Culpin, Directeur Marketing Europe

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From 08 October to 10 October 2024

Network X

Michaël Trabbia - “Network transformations, on which technological disruptions should we go all-in: a gamble or a science?”, Tuesday October 8, 9:50 a.m. - 10:10 a.m.

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September 2024

From 17 September to 17 September 2024

Convergences World Forum

Elizabeth Tchoungui - “Disability and digital: inclusive innovation for local territories”, Tuesday September 17, 3:00 p.m. - 4:20 p.m.

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From 13 September to 13 September 2024

Forum de Giverny

The benchmark economic forum for CSR issues, in the general and global interest

Christel Heydemann

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From 11 September to 12 September 2024

Forum Économique Breton

Christel Heydemann - “Innovation et confiance, les clés de l'avenir numérique”, Wednesday September 11, 9:45 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. - Auditorium

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July 2024

From 05 July to 07 July 2024

The Aix-en-Provence Economic Meetings

"Bridging our worlds"

Christel Heydemann - "Connected Africa, a continent transformed by the digital revolution", Saturday July 6, 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - Amphi 2

Jacques Aschenbroich
 - "From a society of distrust to a society of trust", Friday July 5, 2:45 p.m. - 3:45 pm - Amphi 1

Webcasts on the Rencontres Économiques d'Aix-en-Provence website

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May 2024

From 22 May to 25 May 2024


Europe's Biggest Startup and Tech Event

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From 07 May to 07 May 2024

Forum Europe Afrique

"A bridge between continents"

Laurent Mouin - Commercial Director at Enovacom "Healthcare: Healthtech... what is the right strategy for promoting innovation?", Tuesday May 7, 3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

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April 2024

From 18 April to 18 April 2024

Sommet de la mesure d'impact

"Changing the system"

Speaker: Elizabeth Tchoungui - Round table - "Systemic impact: changing the entire economy", Thursday April 18, 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Workshop - "L'Impact sociétal des entreprises : du reporting au management d'impact" with Faten Castaignet-Dubarry (Orange), 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Workshop - "Restitution sur les travaux de Mesure impact sur l'Inclusion numérique" with Cathy Excoffier (Orange), 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

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March 2024

From 28 March to 28 March 2024

Tech for Future

“European Tech, time to wake up?”

Speaker: Vincent Lecerf - "What skills are needed to take advantage of the AI revolution?", Thursday March 28, 6:30 p.m. - 6:55 p.m.,

with Marie EVEN - DGA of Cdiscount and Sarah COHEN BOULAKIA - Professor at Paris-Saclay University, Deputy Director of the DATAIA Institute in charge of AI training and co-leader of the AMI CMA SaclAI-School project.

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February 2024

From 26 February to 29 February 2024

Mobile World Congress (GSMA)

The industry’s largest and most influential connectivity event

Christel Heydemann, Monday Feb. 26th, 10:15 – 10:35 (Opening keynote) and Monday Feb. 26th, 16:30 – 17:30 (Keynote 3)

Other speakers

Orange MEA: Aminata Kane, Director of Mobile Financial Services OMEA, Néné Satourou Maiga, CEO Botswana

Orange Ventures: Jérome Berger, Head of Group Strategy and Venture Capital

Orange Innovation: Steve Jarrett, SVP Orange Innovation Data and AI, Elisabeth Py, EVP Green Networks (TBC by GSMA)

Orange Cyberdefense: Olivier Bonnet de Paillerets

Orange Business: Pauline Cayatte, Director Strategy & Customer Value

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